We had our schedule changed around today because in science, students are working on their Rube Goldberg projects and needed more time. (I have fond memories of completing a similar project when I was in science too!) Because of this schedule, my last class was in my room for over two hours. That is way too much time for students to be in the same room, and too much time for me. I decided to take the kids out for a little bit of extra recess. It was SO joyous. It also reminded me how much adults just as much as kids need extra break time. Break time for me looks like reading a book just for fun, watching anything on Bravo!, taking a bath, or sitting and scrolling on my phone (is that terrible?) This is just a general reminder to myself and anyone know may need it, it is good to take breaks and have fun. Sometimes so much can be refreshed after having just a few hours off of a task.
This post is coming a little late, but with good reason! Last night our middle school team went to a Cavs game and it was so much fun. Community means everything to me, and getting to spend time outside of work with colleagues really filled my cup.
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